Summer is just around the corner. Yay!!! But not everyone is happy about it, unfortunately. It may come as a surprise to you and you might be like, ' What? Who on earth hates the vacation season?' But you never know. Wait 'til you live in a country experiencing El Niño, where the scorching heat can squeeze the water out of you 'til...
Sunny days. Ooh, it feels like I'm gonna take a dip in crystal-clear blue waters anytime soon. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, shall we? I still have to wait for a few more weeks before summer vacation (too bad). Some might say that it's not really summer yet but I (strongly) beg to disagree. Have you been outside and felt that scorching heat? Have you seen the social...
I have been fascinated with the nostalgic sense of prim vintage pieces for the longest time. Not just with the refined and reserved-type dresses, but I’m also drawn to those elegant and tasteful stoned pieces of jewelry which are archetypal to the dramatically bulky modern accessories. That has been the reason why, from having stunningly bright and colored outfit collections way back, I...