Hi, lovelies! Hope you had an awesome start on your week. Mine was a bit busy, so I'll just loosen up a bit and share this fantastic way to decorate your space. If you feel like your house is a bit flat and boring, well you're not the only one, I do too. That's why I always find cost-effective ways to spice up...
It's a lovely day, isn't it? Mr. Sun seems happy and I hope you're all feeling fabulous on this sunny day. So how 'bout checking out some creative centerpieces? It was a few days before my sister's birthday and I was cleaning the house and the grounds when I noticed that we got quite a few old books, jars, bottles and logs. And...
I seem to be into lanterns, used bottles and jars nowadays, so just expect more projects with these materials. I can't seem to stop creating these DIYs. Today, I'm going to show you how to make a lampshade using any old tree trunk with branches and Chinese Lanterns.You're going to need an old tree trunk with several branches. I prefer one with a...
Hi, there loves!… I'm not having much going on today so here's another project that can keep you busy on days as boring as mine.This is not really a DIY since the materials are readily bought but I still wanna share this design with you guys. Hope you like it!I used 5 Chinese Lanterns of different sizes and shades of orange. You can...
Do you wish to have a cute room but don't want to spend a lot? Don't fret because you actually can. I am the kind of person who loves designing anything but don't wanna spend a lot on it. So I always end up doing all the work and using any materials that I already have or those that I can buy at...
I have shared how my room at our permanent residence looked like. I think that was my very first post here. Since I started college, I'm spending most of my time in a room I'm renting in the city. Ironically, it's bigger than my room in the province, so a girl can't complain. And that's the reason why I ultimately love this place....
I was buying raw materials for another room make-over that I was planning when luckily I stumbled on a superb idea. I was planning on buying more black and white twigs to fill the jar that my roommate made and designed for her school project. Also on my list are a couple of dried vine parts; I'm not really sure what these vines...