
Pink Room: A Girls Perfect Refuge

12:11:00 AM

Do you wish to have a cute room but don't want to spend a lot? Don't fret because you actually can.
I am the kind of person who loves designing anything but don't wanna spend a lot on it. So I always end up doing all the work and using any materials that I already have or those that I can buy at an affordable price.

Having a tiny room is definitely not a problem.

This is my room in the province. Right now I'm residing in the city coz I'm still doing my OJT ( on the job training ). I've been here for years now but I still go home as often as I can; I miss my family almost all the time. So I still keep the room cozy for when I would wanna sleep there. Which seldom happens these days anyway since more often than not, I sleep downstairs with the rest of the gang.
This is just a really small room. And this is, by the way, the only room upstairs. My father had it built after a strong typhoon, which I forgot the name, but mainly this is some sort of preparation for any flood in the future. This will be our high ground.
Notice that the bed perfectly fit the width of the room. It's not even big of a bed. It's just the typical single air mattress. I even have to let out some air before putting it in, or else it wouldn't even fit. I used a floral bed sheet to cover it so it would match the room color and my curtains.
The printed curtains are ready-made and were bought by my father at a bazaar back when I was still in high school. The good thing about bright printed curtains is that they don't fade as fast as light curtains do. The other pink silk curtains and the black drapes attached to that are not even sewn curtains. Those are just fabrics. I bought from a textile wholesaler here in Cebu.
How did I do it? The magic of thumbtacks and pins!!! I just tack it to the ceiling and use the pins for the pleats, folds and the form.
This is our very first cabinet in the house. It was once in a light brown antique color. But the imperfections caused by years of use are so evident that I decided to repaint it. I used a dark brown lacquer to cover the scratches and the discolorations and I finished it with a natural or transparent lacquer to boost the color and to make it shiny. I did the work myself as it is just quite easy. Then I just put more decorations like a pink lamp which is a gift from one of my workmates. The yellowish light from the lamp reflects nicely on the wooden cabinet making it look cozy and you just wanna lie in the bed and listen to your favorite music.

This is right beside the cabinet...it's just a deformed side table which is not too presentable so I covered it with a yellow-green cloth and tied it with a pink ribbon to give it a slender form. Then I just put all the extras on it.

And this is where I put my favorites...My shoes, bags, accessories, and novels; all in one place. This is just beside the door. So if you can just imagine how close everything is, you would have an idea how small this room is. But it did not stop me from making it into a pink room I would surely love.
You can also use Chinese lanterns to add more light to the room. As you may see from the pictures above, I used pink Chinese lanterns. I didn't put any light on it; which is okay. But if you prefer having some light, then that would be better.  You can use a parallel circuit with just a 5-watt bulb if you want. Make sure you talk to an electrician or someone from the hardware store so you can get the advisable wire size and they can also teach you how to make the circuit. Be careful though.

This is where I do most of my thinking and reading. My most favorite place in the house and no doubt my perfect refuge.
You can also do this in your room. Just look for ideas on the internet. You know you can google almost everything now. Look for things you already have that you can use as a substitute for the things that are included in your chosen inspiration arrangement. Drop by at your nearest textile shop and check out those linens. Use that as a substitute for curtains and covers. You may never know what will come out of that.

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