
Pink Room: College Dorm

4:20:00 PM

I have shared how my room at our permanent residence looked like. I think that was my very first post here. Since I started college, I'm spending most of my time in a room I'm renting in the city. Ironically, it's bigger than my room in the province, so a girl can't complain. And that's the reason why I ultimately love this place.

I have been living in this room for nine years now and through the years, I have made several revisions with the interior design. And I'm going to share one of my most favorite decoration today. When I'm decorating my room, I mostly do everything myself, so I seldom use finished products as decors. I use meters of different types of cloth taking into consideration the color, texture, width and of course the price. I don't usually use very expensive textile materials, instead, I look for alternatives that can be very close in style and quality to the expensive ones but at a more affordable price.

On this decoration, I used a combination of pink, black and green Alpha Geena and Tulle cloth. As usual, I used thumbtacks and pins as binding materials. I also used chinese lanterns and twigs to make the room.more appealing. This decoration was from years ago when I still had a roomate so if you notice on the pictures, there are 2 beds on either side of the room. One is near the cabinets and the other is near the windows. I really liked this decoration because it's not like your typical dorm room. You can also see my awesome roommate on some of the photos. She was still in college at this time and this is what we do when we're bored; enhance our vanity. Lol 

Since we dont have lots of chairs for our friends when they come over, we made a small platform where they can sit and enjoy reading sone magazines.
This decoration didn't last long, as usual. I changed it again the next time I was bored and I'm gonna be posting that design too.

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