
Pink Room: DIY Cherryblossoms Tree

9:23:00 PM

I was buying raw materials for another room make-over that I was planning when luckily I stumbled on a superb idea. I was planning on buying more black and white twigs to fill the jar that my roommate made and designed for her school project. Also on my list are a couple of dried vine parts; I'm not really sure what these vines are called but remember the movie, Tarzan? Do you still remember the big vines that Tarzan grabs onto so he can swing to another area? That's the vine that I'm talking about, only it's already dead and dried. So it's no longer pliable but instead, it's hard, sturdy and it has this unique spiral shape which I think can be very classy and modern when used for interior design. So I went to a floral shop that sells these items at a very low price. While I was waiting for the items to be ready, the owner initiated a small chit-chat and asked me what I'm gonna do with the items. So I explained my plan briefly and it so happened that he has a catering business and most of their clients are well-off families and big companies. He then showed me some of their works and it was heavenly. Quite expensive, I must say, but definitely worth every penny. They have really unique designs that can capture anyone's attention.

While I was looking at the photos with my eyes wide in amazement, I saw a photo of a cherry blossom tree design which was made of twigs, tiny pink artificial flowers, and some crystals. And my first thought was, I want this in my room!!! So I immediately thought of inexpensive ways to make it. I used pink Japanese paper for the flowers, white twigs for the branches, a couple of intertwined vines as the trunk, and Christmas lights instead of the crystals. It took me three days to finish it since I still got work during the day and the flowers should be attached one by one, so it takes time. As a finishing touch, I added an old clay jar and some pots of greens at the bottom of the tree. I also thought that sitting or reading under the tree can be great so I put a mat with throw pillows and magazines beneath it. I hope you like this idea. Stay tuned coz I'll be posting my room interior with this tree next.

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